Focos de atención
Títulos similares
Cardiovascular Technician/Technologist, Cardiac Monitor Technician, Cardiac Technician, Cardiology Technician, EKG Monitor Technician, Holter Monitor Technician, Stress Test Technician, Telemetry Technician, Electrophysiology Technician, Pacemaker Technician, Electrocardiogram Technician
Descripción del trabajo
An Electrocardiography (EKG or ECG) Technician is a healthcare professional who specializes in performing electrocardiograms, which are tests that record the electrical activity of the heart. These recordings can help diagnose a variety of heart conditions, including arrhythmias, heart attacks, and other cardiovascular disorders.
Responsabilidades del trabajo
- Conduct electrocardiogram (EKG), phonocardiogram, echocardiogram, stress testing, or other cardiovascular tests to record patients' cardiac activity, using specialized electronic test equipment, recording devices, or laboratory instruments.
- Explain testing procedures to patients to obtain cooperation and reduce anxiety.
- Monitor patients' blood pressure and heart rate using electrocardiogram (EKG) equipment during diagnostic or therapeutic procedures to notify the physician if something appears wrong.
- Obtain and record patient identification, medical history, or test results.
- Monitor patients' comfort and safety during tests, alerting physicians to abnormalities or changes in patient responses.
Habilidades necesarias en el trabajo
- Escuchar activamente: prestar toda la atención a lo que dicen los demás, tomarse el tiempo necesario para entender lo que se dice, hacer las preguntas oportunas y no interrumpir en momentos inadecuados.
- Pensamiento crítico - Utilizar la lógica y el razonamiento para identificar los puntos fuertes y débiles de soluciones, conclusiones o planteamientos alternativos a los problemas.
- Supervisión - Supervisar/evaluar el rendimiento propio, de otras personas u organizaciones para introducir mejoras o adoptar medidas correctivas.
- Operations Monitoring — Watching gauges, dials, or other indicators to make sure a machine is working properly.
- Hablar - Hablar a los demás para transmitir información de forma eficaz.