Focos de atención

Títulos similares

Brand Ambassador, Demo Specialist (Demonstration Specialist), Demonstrator, Event Specialist, Field Merchandiser, Food Demonstrator, In-Store Demonstrator, Merchandiser, Product Ambassador, Product Demonstrator, Product Promoter

Descripción del trabajo

A Media Product Demonstrator is a professional who showcases and promotes various media products, such as electronics, software, or multimedia devices, to potential customers. They are responsible for effectively demonstrating the features, functionalities, and benefits of the products to generate interest and drive sales. A Media Product Demonstrator may work in retail stores, trade shows, or other promotional events. Their main objective is to engage and educate consumers about the product's capabilities and encourage them to make a purchase. They may also provide technical support and answer customer questions related to the demonstrated products.

Responsabilidades del trabajo
  • Provide product samples, coupons, informational brochures, or other incentives to persuade people to buy products.
  • Sell products being promoted and keep records of sales.
  • Keep areas neat while working and return items to the correct locations following demonstrations.
  • Demonstrate or explain products, methods, or services to persuade customers to purchase products or use services.
  • Record and report demonstration-related information, such as the number of questions asked by the audience or the number of coupons distributed.
Habilidades necesarias en el trabajo
  • Escuchar activamente: prestar toda la atención a lo que dicen los demás, tomarse el tiempo necesario para entender lo que se dice, hacer las preguntas oportunas y no interrumpir en momentos inadecuados.
  • Hablar - Hablar a los demás para transmitir información de forma eficaz.
  • Persuasión - Persuadir a los demás para que cambien de opinión o de comportamiento.
  • Comprensión lectora - Comprender frases y párrafos escritos en documentos relacionados con el trabajo.
  • Orientación al servicio - Buscar activamente formas de ayudar a la gente.
Hoja de ruta típica
Media Product Demonstrator Roadmap


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