Focos de atención

Títulos similares

Certified Surgical Technician, Certified Surgical Technologist (CST), Operating Room Surgical Technician (OR St), Operating Room Technician (OR Tech), Operating Room Technologist (OR Tech), Surgical Scrub Technician, Surgical Scrub Technologist (Surgical Scrub Tech), Surgical Technician, Surgical Technologist (Surgical Tech)

Descripción del trabajo

Performing surgery on a patient takes extreme focus, which is why surgeons work as part of a larger healthcare team. Each team member has their own unique role, from the surgeon to the anesthesiologist, certified registered nurse anesthetist, operating room nurse, physician assistant, and others. The job of the Surgical Technologist—also known as the Operating Room Tech or “scrub tech”—is to arrive early, review requirements for the day’s procedures, gather the needed tools and equipment, then carefully prep patients, equipment, and the room itself. 

During the surgery, they may hand sterile instruments or supplies to the surgeon or their assistant. They may also perform basic steps such as suctioning blood from an incision. As the procedure is being completed, Surgical Technologists take stock of all items to ensure everything is accounted for. They may then help apply bandages, take patients to their recovery area, and return to stock the operating room for the next surgery.

Aspectos gratificantes de la carrera
  • Ensuring proper medical instruments and equipment are ready
  • Keeping patients safe by maintaining a sterile environment  
  • Trabajar como parte de un equipo médico ayudando a pacientes y salvando vidas
2021 Empleo
2031 Empleo proyectado
La primicia
Responsabilidades del trabajo

Horario de trabajo

Surgical Technologists work full-time, with shifts that may start very early. If working in an ER, they may be assigned to night, weekend, or holiday shifts. 

Tareas típicas

  • Ensure instruments are kept sterile during medical operations
  • Take inventory of all supplies and instruments used before and after surgery, to ensure nothing was left inside a patient
  • Perform scrub cleaning on other team members’ hands and arms
  • Assist others with putting on masks, gloves, and gowns so they don’t have to touch anything
  • Prep patients for their operations. Assist with getting them onto the table and covering them up. Wash and disinfect incision sites
  • As needed, give sterile instruments or supplies to surgeons or their assistants
  • Ensure needed solutions and fluid supplies such as saline, blood, or plasma are on hand
  • Assist with holding various instruments steady while the surgeon is operating
  • Manage tissue specimens needed for lab analysis
  • Clean and sterilize operating room equipment
  • Anticipate needs during surgical procedures
  • Aid with applying bandages to patients after surgery
  • Keep all relevant medical supplies in stock. Reorder, as needed
  • Review the daily schedule of surgeries and ensure all necessary instruments, supplies, and equipment will be on hand
  • Organize and transfer appropriate instruments, supplies, and equipment to the operating room and arrange items according to the scheduled procedure 
  • Keep an eye on equipment to ensure proper functioning. Adjust, as needed
  • Take note of the patient vital signs 

Responsabilidades adicionales

  • Train new technologists 
  • Stay up-to-date on relevant industry changes
  • Maintain physical and electronic records
Habilidades necesarias en el trabajo

Habilidades blandas

  • Analítica
  • Orientado al cumplimiento
  • Orientado al detalle
  • Diligente
  • Independencia
  • Integridad 
  • Metódico 
  • Observador
  • Organizado
  • Paciente
  • Seguridad 
  • Buen juicio 
  • Resistencia
  • Gran capacidad de comunicación

Habilidades técnicas

  • Biological waste handling
  • Software de consulta de bases de datos
  • Electronic medical records and patient tracking
  • Familiarity with IV fluids such as saline, blood, plasma, and glucose
  • Medical bandaging
  • Medical instrument terminology and usage
  • Medical sanitation and disinfection 
  • Operating surgery-related medical equipment
  • Patient vital signs 
  • Personal protective equipment usage 
  • Scrub procedures
  • Supply ordering procedures and programs
  • Surgery workflow communication programs
Diferentes tipos de organizaciones
  • Hospitals and surgical centers (including emergency rooms, intensive care units, and labor/delivery units)
  • Centros de atención ambulatoria
  • Private practices (including dental, vision, and plastic surgery)
Expectativas y sacrificios

Whether it’s open surgery or minimally invasive, surgical operations are inherently risky due to a myriad of factors. Among these is the risk of patient infection from hazardous germs. Patients are already in a compromised state when they’re laying on a table under anesthesia, so surgical teams must do everything possible to mitigate the risk by being organized and following stringent protocols. 

Surgical Technologists play a crucial role in this endeavor and must know and follow very methodical procedures to ensure patient safety. Surgical Technologists are at risk themselves, frequently exposed to chemicals, all manner of germs, and potentially hazardous biological materials such as blood or bodily fluids. 

Tendencias actuales

Around the world, hospitals have been grappling with the problem of keeping areas free from germs and infectious diseases. Many have needed to strengthen their cleaning practices to avoid having patients exposed to healthcare-acquired infections, which can be fatal in some cases. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention has stressed that healthcare institutions closely follow hygiene precautions to protect both patients and healthcare workers. A few trends on this front include the use of continuously active disinfection chemicals and materials. Complimenting these measures, hospitals are turning to innovative disinfectant delivery methods such as misting systems and ultraviolet technology. 

¿Qué tipo de cosas le gustaba hacer a la gente de esta carrera cuando era más joven...

Surgical Technologists were most likely very tidy people who liked to keep things organized. They were probably patient and calm, able to focus on tasks with great attention to detail. They may have enjoyed being part of group activities in school because they work well on teams and are comfortable with juggling responsibilities. 

Educación y formación necesarias

Educación necesaria

  • Surgical Technologists need to complete a certificate or associate’s degree program at a vocational school, community college, university, or hospital
  • Training may last from one year for a certificate to two years for an associate’s degree (if going full-time)
    • Note, some programs may feature an expedited curriculum, but make sure they are accredited and meet state licensing or regulatory requirements
  • Muchas clases pueden impartirse en línea, pero para algunos temas puede ser preferible la experiencia práctica.
  • Las clases más comunes son:  
    • Anatomía
    • Limpieza y desinfección
    • Descontaminación y esterilización
    • Control y prevención de infecciones
    • Gestión de inventarios
    • Terminología médica y quirúrgica
    • Microbiología
    • Atención al paciente
    • Medical equipment setup
    • Fisiología
    • Uso y almacenamiento del instrumental quirúrgico
  • Some jobs require techs to have CPR/Basic Life Support training 
  • Surgical Techs can either work in general surgery or specialize in an area such as cardiology, neurosurgery, organ transplants, orthopedics, pediatrics, or plastic surgery
  • Optional certifications can boost one’s odds of getting hired. Certifying organizations include:
  • Many Surgical Techs learn their trade as enlisted members in a branch of the military
Lo que hay que buscar en una universidad
  • Surgical Technologists don’t need a four-year degree from a university to get started. Students can complete a certificate or associate’s at a local community college or vocational training school
  • Las consideraciones generales incluyen los costes de matrícula (tarifas dentro y fuera del estado), descuentos, becas y opciones de impartición del curso (en el campus, en línea o programa híbrido).
  • Ideally, you’ll want a program that offers hands-on work experience
Cosas que hacer en el instituto y la universidad
  • Los estudiantes de secundaria pueden prepararse tomando clases de salud, biología, química e informática.
  • Decide si quieres matricularte en un programa certificado o en un programa de grado medio en un colegio comunitario, una escuela de formación profesional o una universidad.
  • Habla con el personal del programa sobre oportunidades de trabajo en las que puedas adquirir habilidades laborales del mundo real mientras aprendes.
  • Apply for part-time jobs working with healthcare settings to gain experience and have some work history on your resume
  • Inicie un programa de ejercicios que le permita desarrollar la resistencia necesaria para trabajar de pie durante periodos prolongados o mover equipos. 
  • Mantén una lista de contactos (incluyendo números de teléfono o correos electrónicos) que puedan servir como futuras referencias laborales. 
  • Check out articles and video tutorials about surgical procedures and think about areas you might want to specialize in
  • Get started on a draft resume early and keep track of the skills you learn
Hoja de ruta típica
Surgical Technologist Gladeo Roadmap
Cómo conseguir tu primer trabajo
Cómo subir la escalera
  • Habla con tu supervisor y hazle saber tus objetivos profesionales. Pídeles consejo sobre cómo ascender
  • Obtener una certificación en una especialidad difícil de cubrir
    • Note, the Bureau of Labor Statistics notes that techs will be increasingly needed to help with older patients in the years to come
  • Advancement opportunities for Surgical Technologists include working as a surgical assistant or nurse, which will require additional training. Becoming a registered nurse will mean returning to college to earn a BS in Nursing to qualify for licensure in most states
  • Domina tus funciones, sé puntual y sigue al pie de la letra todos los protocolos de higiene
  • Stay up-to-date on relevant hospital or clinic policies and procedures 
  • Study manufacturer and software guides for medical equipment you operate
  • Ask lots of questions and keep learning from other members of the surgical team
  • Demonstrate leadership and train new staff diligently 
  • Get engaged with professional organizations. Attend events, volunteer to give speeches, hold positions on committees, and get articles published to advance your reputation
Plan B

Working as a Surgical Technologist can be exciting but exhausting work! If you’re curious about additional healthcare careers, below are a few popular examples to consider: 

  • Tecnólogos y técnicos cardiovasculares
  • Tecnólogos y técnicos de laboratorio clínico
  • Asistentes dentales
  • Ecografistas médicos de diagnóstico 
  • Técnicos de endoscopia
  • Diplomados en enfermería práctica y diplomados en formación profesional
  • Asistentes médicos
  • Preparadores de equipos médicos
  • Médicos y cirujanos
  • Enfermeras tituladas
  • Asistentes quirúrgicos
  • Tecnólogos quirúrgicos


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