La persona de la gente
Le gusta trabajar con la gente y ayudarla. Ganas de resolver problemas sociales. Le gusta trabajar con PERSONAS.
Servicio comunitario y social
Gobierno, organizaciones sin ánimo de lucro y servicios públicos
Gobierno, organizaciones sin ánimo de lucro y servicios públicos
Gobierno, organizaciones sin ánimo de lucro y servicios públicos
Gobierno, organizaciones sin ánimo de lucro y servicios públicos
Temas relacionados
MAIP Año: 1991
Título, Empresa: Responsable de contenidos UX, Allstate
Clifton Simmons II lleva más de 25 años trabajando como redactor publicitario para muchas marcas importantes: Chevy, Chrysler, Coca-Cola, McDonald's y muchas más. Ha creado muchas campañas premiadas en eventos, experiencias y marketing digital. Clifton ha aprovechado esa experiencia para pasar a la estrategia de contenidos UX, desarrollando aplicaciones móviles.
¿Quién o qué le influyó o inspiró para dedicarse a la publicidad?
La gente de mi generación considera a Darren Stevens, de Embrujadas, una influencia. Para mí, fue Tom...
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"El asesoramiento escolar es increíble... tienes el poder de cambiar por completo la trayectoria de la vida de un niño".
Lisa Andrews es consejera escolar y trabaja en el Distrito Escolar Unificado de Pomona, en California. A lo largo de su carrera, la Sra. Andrews se ha dedicado a prestar servicios a los más vulnerables de nuestra sociedad capacitándoles para cambiar a mejor. Como líder creciente en el campo del asesoramiento escolar, la Sra. Andrews ha sido invitada a hablar en conferencias y en múltiples programas de formación en asesoramiento escolar. Ella es especialmente apasionada de empujar los límites ...
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Misty Espinoza is the Vice President of Communications of Entertainment Industry Foundation, (EIF), a leading charitable organization of the entertainment industry that harnesses the collective power of the entire industry to raise awareness and funds for critical health, educational and social issues in order to make a positive impact in our community and throughout the nation. Originally from Phoenix, Arizona, she moved to California to major in Communications at Stanford University. Misty used her degree and love for entertainment to pave a road for success- one which lead to…
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Sofiya Kukharenko is an Industrial and Systems Engineer at SKF USA, Inc., based in Georgia. She moved to the United States from Ukraine at the age of 2. From an early age, Sofiya seized every opportunity she could within the education system to become the second person in her family to graduate from an American college (after her older sister), and to achieve success in a male-dominated career.
Sofiya graduated from the prestigious Georgia Institute of Technology which she attended on a full-ride HOPE scholarship. Georgia Tech is ranked first in the world by US News & World…
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Jen had aspirations as a child actor with a photographic memory starting as early as eight years old and eventually found a passion for casting. She interned with casting directors while attending the University of Wisconsin-Madison, where she graduated with a BA in History and Women’s Studies in 1994. She began working full-time in casting in 2000, and over the next 17 years has had a storied career working as a casting associate for Susan Shopmaker Casting where she helped cast Verizon’s “Can You Hear Me Now” campaign, working as a casting director for The Walt Disney Company…
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Paul Tanpitukpongse is an engineer-turned-patent attorney currently working with Meunier, Carlin & Curfman LLC, a legal firm located in Atlanta, GA. A self-described ‘tinkerer’, Paul participated in the automotive club, science fairs and engineering competitions in high school. These extra-curricular endeavors coupled with strong STEM skills led to his first career as an engineer. As an advocate for continual learning and following one’s passions, Paul decided to then pursue a career in the legal field.. He has found success as a practicing patent attorney for five years…
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